Monday, March 15, 2010

29 Weeks and 5 Days??? Maybe???

I had my 29 week 5 day appointment today. First Dr. Anderson reviewed my blood sugars and they are good enough that he didn't want to change my medication. There are a couple here and there that are definitely out of range, but with my weight gain and with most being in range he kept my medication the same...or so that was the beginning of the appointment. I am more than happy to report having only a 14 lb weight gain at almost 30 weeks, especially with the Gestational Diabetes fighting against me. Then he measured me and listened to the heart beat. Well apparently I am measuring big. So Dr. Anderson added Metformin for my treatment of diabetes to get all my sugars lower and in range. Then I also got an order to have another ultrasound for size vs due date. The advantage to working where you see your OB and having a lab in the back is the tech will get you in when it is supposed to be her lunch break. I also found out that with the new machine she got it also does 3D and 4D, so of course we played with that after the official ultrasound.
The unofficial ultrasound report shows Ryann's belly at 33 weeks, legs at about 30 weeks 5 days, and head at about 31 weeks (these are the estimates that I remember) so changing her due date to May 15th. I should have the official report either tomorrow or Wednesday so we shall see what that says. My fluid level is good too. I am not complaining about an earlier due date!
After that we played around with the 3D, Loretta has only had her new machine about a week. Ryann did not want to cooperate. She cooperated perfectly for the first part but not for the fun part. The more Loretta moved the wand around on her the more she kicked and waved her arms. Her head stayed firmly planted in my pelvic bone so we could not get a good facial 3D picture. She does seem to have chunky cheeks already and some hair on her head. It was really cool though to feel her moving and then on the screen I could see what she was doing. Now just to figure out WHEN we get to meet her. Enjoy the pictures!
Fist in front of her face.

The best face we could get, but she seriously looks like she is smashed against a window.
Ear and the start of the side profile
A perfect little foot with 5 toes

1 comment:

Amy J said...

An earlier due date is definitely not something to complain about! What cool ultrasound pics. : )