I had my first appointment today, and it was very uneventful, just the way I like it. So here is the scoop...I'm not far along, I'm only 8 weeks. My due date is May 27th. This baby was not a "surprise". We actually decided that we were going to start trying and just let it happen. I'm constantly nauseated and tired and turning into a excellent dry heaver. My feelings of excitement right now are a little canceled out by how I feel. This new life style is taking some getting used to. Not having the energy to clean my house is the most frustrating to me but I'm learning to break things up and get a little done at a time. I'm feeling more excited about it all now that I've had my first appointment. I'm really looking forward to my next appointment and hearing the heartbeat.
Clint has been hard at work getting rooms moved around. On one of his days off he went and got a new shed to put our bikes in so we could free up some space inside the house and slowly get ready for the baby.
Our new shed.
Then he moved the guest bed out of the room it was in and into our office. I still have some organization to do on the new nursery but I still have plenty of time.
The new office/guest bedroom
Don't you just love the guest bedroom "headboard". I'm really happy with how the new room turned out. I thought it would feel cramped, but it all worked out and I actually like it.
Hey my life saver when I was sick the first little bit was ginger root tea. There is also ginger root in pill form that helps with the neausea as well. That and don't forget the power of 7up or Sprite. Loads of fun, good luck!
I do like the room and shed! :) how exciting-you do have time, but then it'll sneak up on you :) yea for May babies! hang in there-in a couple months you'll be loving life again :) guess you learn what you really want done b/c there's not a lot of energy anymore for stuff :) thinking of you lots Nicole! love you!
sorry nausea that is ;)
Ok, so for some reason I just saw your last 3 posts. It didn't update on my blogger. Anyway...I am so excited for you!! Sorry that you feel so nauseated and blah. It was pretty bad for me with this one...but it has eased up a lot in this second trimester...and hopefully it will for you too. Our babies will be not even 2 months apart--yay! It's exciting getting everything ready for baby...can't wait to see what more you do!
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