21 lb 11 oz
28 3/4 inches
She has 6 teeth, four on top and two on bottom. She loves to bite things with them. She has bitten me once and left teeth mark in my arm. I was not a happy mommy. She does use them to bite her food into smaller pieces.Ryann LOVES to look out windows. The back door is perfect for her to look out so she is always crawling over to it.
Ryann loves to feed herself. Maggie and Sally love this because it means more food that is dropped for them to eat. Maggie, as you can see in the picture, shoves her nose in the high chair and gets all the food that lands there. Less clean up for me:)
This is how Ryann holds her bottle.
All the Easter eggs to play with and she find the couple pieces of candy.
Were ever I am, there is Ryann. If I am in the kitchen then I know she will follow and start getting into things in there. I really need to get those child proof latches on all the cabinets. She has gotten into the dog food a few other times, but it is only when the dogs are eating, and she has only tipped their water once.
I'm really not ready for Ryann to be 1 yr old. I wish I could freeze her in this cute happy phase for a little longer. I'm not ready for all the walking and talking that will come next.
28 3/4 inches
She has 6 teeth, four on top and two on bottom. She loves to bite things with them. She has bitten me once and left teeth mark in my arm. I was not a happy mommy. She does use them to bite her food into smaller pieces.Ryann LOVES to look out windows. The back door is perfect for her to look out so she is always crawling over to it.
Ryann loves to feed herself. Maggie and Sally love this because it means more food that is dropped for them to eat. Maggie, as you can see in the picture, shoves her nose in the high chair and gets all the food that lands there. Less clean up for me:)
This is how Ryann holds her bottle.
All the Easter eggs to play with and she find the couple pieces of candy.
Were ever I am, there is Ryann. If I am in the kitchen then I know she will follow and start getting into things in there. I really need to get those child proof latches on all the cabinets. She has gotten into the dog food a few other times, but it is only when the dogs are eating, and she has only tipped their water once.
I'm really not ready for Ryann to be 1 yr old. I wish I could freeze her in this cute happy phase for a little longer. I'm not ready for all the walking and talking that will come next.
Gosh I can not get over how adorable and precious that little girl of your is! She is such a doll! She is getting so big!
She is getting so big. I can't believe she is almost a year old.
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