Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Family Reunion

Along with this past weekend being Ryann's blessing, it was also the Clark Family Reunion. I went up all day Saturday and took my family with me so they could spend time with me and Ryann. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day full of seeing extended family, showing off Ryann, and complete with a 4Wheeler ride.
Kyle and me 4Wheeling
We climbed down into Brush Creek Cave.
Levi and Jackson going down
Jason, Me, Kyle and Maggie inside the cave
Levi, Jenny and Jackson in the cave
We took this picture inside the cave where the light was barely visible.
Coming back out
Ryann slept most the day
Snuggling with her Aunt Jenny
Jackson won Super Soakers at the raffle.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh my heck! We must have just missed eachother. I had a family reunion up at Iron Springs that weekend too. We even hiked down to the cave. Haha! Too funny. Love the pics :)