Monday, May 3, 2010

Counting Down

I got good news at my appointment today, Ryann will be coming next Tuesday or Wednesday! There is an end in sight!!!
My appointment last week went well. My Group B Strep was negative, yeah! one less thing to have to worry about. No change in my medication, no protein or sugar in my urine, and my cervix had thinned.
Over the weekend I was having cramping, some back pain, and what felt like just strong Braxton Hicks contractions. Maybe I had some real contractions, but they weren't obvious to this first timer. Then today at my appointment after Dr. Anderson measured my belly he said, "She will be coming next week." Yup, my belly is big! But I was so glad to know all the discomfort this weekend had paid off, I was dilated to a two. Next Monday I have to have my amniotic fluid tested to make sure her lungs are developed. Dr. Anderson says it might be a little over kill but he thinks it is better that we do it just to be safe. We will get those results back on Tuesday and then he will start me that day or Wednesday.
So the count down till Ryann arrives can begin...8 DAYS LEFT!!!


Kandice said...

Hooray! Maybe you will even go on your own never know! Make sure clint or someone calls us.

The Smiths said...

Wow! How exciting! Hope everything goes well for you. Let us know when we can come visit! Good luck! Keep us posted.

3T's said...

Yay!!! We are so excited for you!!! We hope everything goes well and can't wait to see lots of pictures of your little angel baby!!!

Unknown said...

Okay, okay. Good point re: early delivery. I wish you weren't in that position so that you didn't HAVE to be induced. Just a warning - it's not fun. I was induced with both of mine and hope to avoid it this time. But you can do it; she's sooooo worth it in the end. Honestly, it's sort of magical once it's all said and done. In an exhausting sort of way. :-) BIG HUGS!