Ryann is growing up way to fast. She still mostly crawls but she has taken a couple steps on her own and with us encouraging her. She stands up on her own all the time and walks along things like a pro. She is just taking her time walking. I was dreading her walking because I knew that meant she would get into stuff more because she was "taller", but it won't change too much. Since she can stand up so well and walk along things, she does just fine getting into everything!
Her favorite word is "puppy". She says mama, dada, PaPa (her Grandpa Greene), Uh-Oh, doggie, puppy, Maggie, kitty, horsie, hi, bye, buack (it's her quack noise), and she hisses like a snake. She will also wave good bye and blow kisses.
Ryann standing and drinking her juice. She is quite talented.
Ryann loves to copy what others do, even if it is what the dogs do.
The dogs went behind the couch, so she went behind the couch.
When your hands are busy, just carry it with your mouth.
Ryann loves her bag of blocks. She loves to dump out the bag and sometimes she puts some of them back in too. If you zip up the bag she gets really mad because she can't dump them out. She will yell at me until I unzip it so she can make a mess.
Ryann's other favorite toy is her ball popper. She loves to push the button to make it go and then crawls around putting the balls that fall out back in. Occasionally I have to take out miscellaneous other toys that get put in too.
She is trying to lick or bite the ball.
I made this skirt for Ryann. She was not in a picture taking mood, so this was the best shot I could get.
I bought Ryann a remote at the Dollar Store thinking that maybe she would leave the actual TV remote alone, well that was wishful thinking. She loves remotes and will point them at the TV just like she sees everyone else do.
Ryann loves books. She will find a book, put it in my hand and sit in my lap. She loves to look at books and loves to be read too.
Ryann loves to look out windows. If I go outside she likes to wave at me and thinks it is funny if I knock on the window.
Looking out the back door at her "puppies"
Maggie is incredibly patient with Ryann. She lets her crawl, sit, stand, etc on her her. She even lets her poke her eyes while sitting on her, as seen above. When Maggie has had enough she just carefully gets up and moves, which happened just moments after I took this picture.
Sally spend the day on our front window seal. She barks at anything that moves and has been found sleeping in the window too. Ryann figured if Sally could look out the window, then she should too.
Maggie is even patient when Ryann takes over her bed. I think she is sticking her finger in her belly button in this picture.
Ryann doesn't just relax in Maggie's bed, she also plays in her bed and pulls all of the clean towels into the bed too.
I was playing with Maggie with the laser pointer and Ryann took it away from me. She thought it was funny to watch Maggie run around. She had no idea why Maggie was running around but she was happy to have what I had and Maggie was happy to chase the red light.
Playing Angry Birds with Grandpa Greene
Just relaxing with Gma and Gpa Greene eating treats.
This kid will just slouch back in a chair (or on the floor against a pillow) and relax. If you sit her up straight, she will actually scoot down a little so she is slouched.
Touching the water, getting ready for bath time.
She gets quite excited and tries to get in herself.
I looked in the crib and found her sleeping like this. Ryann has to have her silky blanket touching her face when she falls asleep. She moves ALL OVER her crib in her sleep.
There is something really good down in the bottom of the diaper bag...
She pulled out a bag of her spare clothes and then insisted I open up her crackers for her. I have to keep the diaper bag zipped up or she will dig through it and find the treats.
Her favorite word is "puppy". She says mama, dada, PaPa (her Grandpa Greene), Uh-Oh, doggie, puppy, Maggie, kitty, horsie, hi, bye, buack (it's her quack noise), and she hisses like a snake. She will also wave good bye and blow kisses.
The dogs went behind the couch, so she went behind the couch.
This kid will just slouch back in a chair (or on the floor against a pillow) and relax. If you sit her up straight, she will actually scoot down a little so she is slouched.
1 comment:
She's growing up so much! I love the skirt you made... super cute!
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